Visualizing Statistical Concepts

Dr. Peter Miksza, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
Pete Miksza’s Website

A Collection of Tools for Emerging Music Education Researchers

The web apps that are available from this page are designed to demonstrate and familiarize students with statistical concepts that are commonly encountered in music education research methods courses.

Mastering statistical concepts can often be challenging for graduate music education students who have most recently been out in the field working with children in classrooms. Grappling with statistics can often be overwhelming for those whose last formal mathematics education experiences may have been many years in the past. In my courses, I have found that while clear explanations and practice examples are good - live manipulable demonstrations can be extremely powerful ways for developing insight in regard to statistics.

Web Apps

These Tools Were Built With Shiny in R

The web apps accessable from this page were built with the free, open-source statistical computing and graphics language R. R is an amazingly flexible platform for organizing, visualizing, and analyzing data. Setting out to work in R can involve a bit of a learning curve since itrequires acquiring some fluency with basic programming language. However, there is an astounding amount of free learning resources available on the web in the form of websites, books, blogs, tutorials, etc. There are also great web-based courses that often have free trials.

Many recommend also using R Studio, a platform to help organize workflow when using R. The free version of R-Studio is what I use, and I’m fairly sure it has all that most of the folks in music education would likely every need.

More to the point… …R Studio has an integrated web app builder called shiny. Shiny makes building data visualization tools and web-based dashboards for exploring data fairly straight-forward. The apps that are produced with shiny are built in roughly the same type of code that is used to run analyses and make plots in R in general.

This HTML document was written with R Markdown